Thursday, January 6, 2011

Homemade Kettle Corn

I know this isn't a cake or cupcake but I just finished munching on some homemade kettle corn. So easy, so yummy, so I wanted to share the recipe.

Take the popcorn kernels, oil, sugar from the pantry and put a big pot with lid on the stove.

Heat 1/4 cup of oil in the pot and add 3 kernels in the pot. When the kernels have popped then it's time to add all the rest.

Add the 1/2 cup of kernels and 1/4 of cup of sugar. Mix real quick and throw the lid back on. Then shake that sucker for 3-4 minutes. The more the shake the less it will burn. Until it takes about 2-3 seconds between the popping then remove from hit and put in a bowl immediately. I must admit I was scared to remove the lid. But to my surprise, popped kettle corn!

There we're only a few burnt casualties. Separated the charred from the delicious and munched down. My hubby enjoyed it too!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing i will use it when i watch my next movie. Michaela <3
